


Main Menu is very powerful menu built with clean accessible XHTML code structure and effective drop-down submenu panels.

Main Menu Rich Text

Main Menu Rich Text

You can add descriptive text to menu items to make them much clearer.

Main Menu Rich Text Settings

To set up descriptive text, you need to go to menu item settings and add descriptive text to menu item's parameter Link Title Attribute.

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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) works with the public, businesses, government and communities to achieve a cleaner energy future. SEAI is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment.
The Register of Gas Installers of Ireland (R.G.I.I.) is responsible for the registering of gas installers and regulating their activities with respect to safety.

OFTEC is a leading 'not for profit' trade organisation for the heating and cooking industries in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Our aim is to promote the highest professional and technical standards for technicians and businesses working in the industry and, by doing so, support the needs of heating users.

JSN Epic is designed by JoomlaShine.com